Friday, December 7, 2012

Latin American - Asian Fusion

I have been drawing a lot of these skulls.  I love Mexican art and design and love the Dia de Los Muertos skulls.  Since I have been in Taiwan I have been using symbols I have found in temples and in everyday decorations.  I am also using flowers that I have found here such as Asian lilies and lotus flowers.

"Te Gusta Ma" Water Color on Sketch paper

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Taiwan National Healthcare Y'all

Hey, kid, want some pills?

This is how I feel every time I go to a hospital in Taiwan.  I usually depart from the doctor's office feeling like they have no idea what ails me, so they just give me pills upon pills upon pills.  

The above picture is what was prescribed to me after going in to the hospital with what I thought was a broken foot (from dancing...).  My hospital visit went a bit like this: they told me to walk on the yellow line of tape to the x-ray room, took an x-ray, saw that my foot was not broken, suggested I get a boot, prescribed me three different pills to be taken three times a day and booked me an appointment with a specialist the following morning.

Mind you, the specialist only comes in on Mondays and Fridays between the hours of 9 am and 12 am.  Very convenient.  What is even less time savvy is that when you show up you are given a number.  I arrived around 9am and received number 33.  I ended up waiting three hours and was one of the last people to be seen.  After seeing the specialist, I was prescribed to three more types of pills to be taken three times a day.

WTF is all I have to say. 

Maybe Western medicine just isn't their forte?  

An obscurely insane system; the amount of pills you are given for your specific ailments, and the insanity continues with the strange misdiagnoses in general.  

My roommate had an ear infection.  On her primary visit, she was prescribed EYE DROPS for her ear.  No joke.  Eventually, she was able to get antibiotics by going to the pharmacy and was healed a month later.  Seriously?  Eye drops for an ear infection? An ear infection for a month?  She isn't a dirty 12 year old for crying out loud.   

Another friend of mine had a sun rash, which I can only assume would be common in a humid, hot climate like Taiwan.  First, it was diagnosed as an allergic reaction by a dermatologist, and she was prescribed allergy medicine.  Second, it was diagnosed at a different hospital as eczema, and she was prescribed lotion.  The final stop was to the leading dermatologist in Taiwan.  Here, it was finally diagnosed as a sun rash, and she was given the proper medication. 

My health care experience, although horrible, has been very cheap.  One night while in excruciating pain in the ER and receiving pretty much every test under the sun, all night long, only cost me NT $800.  The the equivalent of $23 US, and the pills upon pills upon pills that I have been prescribed, usually end up costing only about $10 US.  

Cheap is not always good and according to a Taiwanese friend of mine, National Health Care is why the government is going broke. 

I think its time to take a step closer to acclimation and start stepping into the offices that offer Chinese medicine.  

Tomorrow's mission: acupuncture! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Taiwanese All Hallow's Eve

Halloween is my favorite holiday.  In fact, I usually partake in all types of acts of heathenism as much as possible around All Hallow's Eve.    

This year I celebrated the weekend before when the proper Halloween parties took place at the Red House Theater in Taipei's GLBT district called Ximending, after walking in the Pride Parade of course.  Then I celebrated again on the true day, October 31st.  I must admit that, although on a Wednesday, I had much more fun on the true day.  Must be something about the portals of Hades opening up and letting all the wild and unruly spirits out for the night to play.  

My first costume was the end of the world.  My roommate and I dressed up like Mayans with a Calendar with December 21st circled and carried signs reading "The End is Near".  For those of you who don't know, the world is ending in a month, so enjoy life as we know it while you can! 

My second costume was "Open Ja" or Open for short.  Open is 7-11's mascot.  Aptly named, because 7-11 is always open.  This costume was a tribute to Taiwan's and basically all of Asia's obsession and need for 7-11.   You pay your bills at 7-11, buy concert tickets, buy food, get beer and wine, mail packages, make copies, and the receipts (like all of the receipts in Taiwan) are lottery tickets!  

Happy Halloween (late) everyone!! I hope yours was as wonderful as mine!

We are Bazaar: End of the World, Bowzer, The Pink Panter, and a Mayan. 

Open and a Pirate!
Open in 7-11!


 Open Ja! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hitchhiking the East Coast of Taiwan

Last weekend, my roommate Kate, friend Estella, and I decided to explore the east coast of Taiwan.  First, we took the train from Taipei to Hualien, and hitchhiked down to Dulan with many stops along the way. 

After arriving in Hualien, we searched for a place to stay.  However, things were not to go our way.  It just so happened to be the weekend of the Toroko Gorge Marathon.   Every hostel and hotel in the area was booked, but we three ladies happened to be in luck: a love hotel, with its blinking, vibrant, 80's colored lights was patiently awaiting our arrival.  Thank god for Kate, who was immediately entranced like a moth to a flame.

We checked in and decided to watch TV for the first time in forever.  Unfortunately, all there was to offer were various racially charged forms of pornography.  We opted to turn the TV off and have an early night, which lead to an early morning, and we were off to our first destination: Jici beach.  We barely put our thumbs up in the air, when a blue truck came to our rescue.  He was happy to do it.  We arrived to the beach, and of course it was closed.  So we hopped the fence and enjoyed some time on the beach after outrunning the lifeguard.  

Next we scoured the highway, thumbs in air, for a ride to see the Tropic of Cancer.  Our next faithful stead was a mini van packed full of middle-aged Taiwanese couples.  We struggled to the back in between a man and a woman.  They dropped us off at the Tropic of Cancer with smiles on their faces.  

After taking in the sights, and enjoying a beer and some whiskey shots with some lovely Taiwanese gentlemen slinging betel nut, we were on our way to Dulan.  

We arrived to Dulan in an 18-wheeler.  We rode in comfort and luxury.  I had the big seat in the front and I am pretty sure Kate and Estella got the young mans comfy bed in the back.  In Dulan, we found a rustic place to stay in the forested treetops encompassing the beach.  

Dulan is a great town.  Every Saturday they have live music playing in an old sugar factory aptly named "The Sugar Factory".  So we finished out day dancing the night away, drinking cold beer, and reveling in our successful trip down the coast. 

In the morning we hitched a nice ride to Taitung, where we took the train back to Taipei.  I was not ready to leave the warmth and sunshine of the southeast and will most definitely be back. 

Hitchhiking photo journal below:

Our first hitch - the blue truck. 
Beautiful coastline.  At times we felt a little bit afraid for our lives, swangin around these sharp turns up a mountainside in the back of a truck, but we had faith in our daring driver. 

Pictures of my friends taking pictures.  I think I'm turning Taiwanese, I think I'm turning Taiwanese, I really think so!

Thanks dude!

We snuck onto the beach and enjoyed about 10 minutes of sunshine before the clouds came. We stayed and sunbathed anyways. 
Tropic of Cancer... Thank you mini van people!

We ate lunch at this harbor.  Fresh seafood, delicious.

Boats on the water.

We hiked up part of a mountain to see this view!

Estella, my love!

18-wheeler!  This guy ended up taking many pictures of us.  Spicing up people's lives is what we do best.

Tropic of Cancer.  Looks like the apocalypse.

A long and not-so-lonely road.

Kate and Estella scrambling into our trusty stead. 

Boat on a beach.

Dancing in Dulan.  Listening to some local tunes. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

I Am Officially the Weird Foreign Teacher

I forgot to change out of my indoor shoes, and into my outdoor shoes before our field trip yesterday.  Resulting in fits of laughter, taunting and teasing.  


Dozens of tiny laughing children, two barfing munchkins, and a nose bleed later; we made it back to school, ready for naptime.  

Just like Beyonce, I am a survivor. 

Foreign teacher problems.

Let's Go For a Walk - Tong Hua Night Market

Typical Thursday in Taipei wandering around a night market.  

I apologize for making you dizzy.  Need to work on my walking/filming skillz.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to Beat the Pollution in Taipei - Texas Style

When I first arrived to Taipei, I was amazed at the abundance of pocket masks and face mask fashions that I saw on people walking the street everyday.  

What I didn't realized until today, is that this fashion is not so far off from my world back in Texas, where cowboys have been using bandannas for decades... centuries even.  

I have been searching high and low for the perfect pocket mask, and low and behold, it was in front of my face this whole time.  My pink bandanna has been hanging side by side with my scarves since I arrived to this city, and I intend to use it on the musty, dusty streets of Taipei!

It is not that you need to wear a mask everyday, but some days are filled with gross, stagnant and polluted air in your lungs.  Pollutants from the factories in China reach all the way the California coast, so just imagine how potent the air can be in Taiwan.   Although, Taipei has cleaned up its act since the 80's, pollution from factories and vehicles is still extremely prevalent.  Acid rain is still a huge problem here, which can be seen by the amount of rusty bikes and balding women that grace the streets.  

So, after today, I embark on a journey to beat the pollution of Taipei - Texas style.  As my family's Louisiana-Creole horse trainer used to say, "You got to do what you go to do"... 

Pass that Bandanna to the Left Hand Side.

Another modern use for the bandanna on The Playa at Burning Man in Black Rock City, Utah.  Gotta keep all that sand, dust, and smoke out of those lungs!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Power of Positive Thinking

I am a lucky girl.  

Lucky in friends, family, and love.   Thank you to everyone who has been so sweet and supportive of me during these rough few weeks.  All the calls, emails, texts and positive energy really have sent my spirit soaring.  

I love you all!

After everything, I think I have also unlocked one of life's most precious secrets: the power of positive thinking. 

After my school closed down and I was sick of being sick, it was easy to feel that life was turning its back on me.  However, instead of feeling defeated, I took it as a learning experience and a hurdle to prance over.  Something, that in fact, would end up making my life better.

 I had two interviews yesterday and was offered jobs at both schools.  Today,  I signed a new contract at a wonderful school (with nap time!), and class starts tomorrow. 

I thought positive thoughts and now a week after my former school shut down, I am back to work!  

I also re-realized that I came to Taiwan to do much more than teach.  Last Wednesday was a wake-up call.  I have started painting again (I will have work to show you by the end of the week!).   I also joined a Gaelic football team.  I have set up private lessons AND I am looking into doing some acting here, as westerners are highly sought after for ads and commercials... should be interesting and hilarious.  

Also, even though I don't really believe in horoscopes, I read them. Today mine told me that the cosmos is urging me to explore dusty dreams, because I am entering a period of good fortune, and anything I start will be especially blessed.  Now that is something to be excited about!  Keep thinking positive!  

Again, thank you all for the good vibes!  The picture above is my gift to you!  

Its a beautiful temple in Taipei, called "Longshan Temple"... although it's surrounded by bums and prostitutes, it is actually one of the oldest and most beautiful temples that I have seen.  If you look closely you can see the gorgeous tiles that decorate the surface.  Just beautiful.  

Monday, September 24, 2012

East Vs. West Tanning Culture

As the days are getting cooler and summer is falling behind us,  I would like to take a look into one of the funniest differences I have found in summer culture from the east to the west.  

This being: the tanning culture, or lack thereof. 

Back home, in The States, having a tan is something to be proud of.   For some, tanning is a way of life.  Being that I am a chameleon of sorts, I adopted this way of life while living in Arizona.  Some may say that I was too tan at times.  Actually, pretty much all of my friends at home made fun of me for it, but I embraced it.  

The tanning culture can be seen by the many tanning salons and spray tanning boutiques gracing the good ole US of A.  I even saw that they were very prevalent in Argentina.  In the west, if you are tan during the winter it shows that you are able to pay for vacation and in turn have lots of $$$.  It can be seen as a status symbol.  Also, lets face it, most white people just look better with a slight tan.  

Now, I find myself in the far east, where in the middle of summer, people are wearing arm covers on their bicycles to cover their arms from becoming tan.  People wear jeans to the beach, in the ocean, and then shower in them.  Children are covered from head to foot, with hats and globs of sunscreen.  There is such a thing as a "face bikini".  All of these layers being worn when it is 98 degrees, mind you.  Pale is beautiful.  Also, status symbol of $$$.  Back in the day, if you were pale, it meant you were wealthy and that you did not need to work outside in the fields.  

Another thing that shows the eastern obsession with white skin are the normality and excessive use of sunbrellas.  They are everywhere, always.  These umbrellas are used during the hot, sunny days of summer to keep those pesky rays off the beautiful porcelain skin. 

When my roommate first arrived to Taiwan after  a summer of carefree, pool lounging in the States.  Her manager took a look at her, wincing that her skin looked so different from her alabaster photograph sent in with her resume.  "Oh, SO black," she said in a shocked and somewhat disgusted voice.  I had a similar experience after a weekend at the beach.  My manager told me that I should wear a sweater while riding my scooter so that my skin wouldn't get so brown. She was just trying to be helpful

Of course these are two extremes.  Not all westerners are chained to a tanning bed, and I think that culture of extreme tanning is behind us *I hope*.  Also, not all eastern folk are found heavily clad at the beach, but its just so interesting (and hilarious) to see 
the extreme differences. 


Face-kini Family Affair

Legit biker in the middle of summer.

Keep that bod covered, woman! 

Images VIA:,,, and ME

Friday, September 21, 2012

My Week of "Building Character"

So I am going to get straight to the point.  Living abroad isn't all wonderful food, fabulous people and fun.  There are a lot of things that are extremely hard to deal with.  Besides the obvious hardships of feeling alone and missing family and friends, there is the possibility of getting sick, really sick, and not knowing what is wrong.  Not knowing what is wrong AND barely understanding any of the language.  For the past few weeks I have been in this situation: sick, tired, getting the wrong diagnoses, and slowly getting worse.  Finally, a week and four hospital visits later I was diagnosed with a kidney infection and am luckily getting better.  

... And still it gets worse... Besides missing friends and their weddings, how about your office shutting down right after accepting a position there?  Oh, because that happened too.  

My school shut down just a week and a half after I started working there, and after I resigned from my former school. 

The first week at said school was bliss. I loved my co-teacher.  The kids were a challenge, but I liked that, because I was the same as a child.  I got lunch and nap-time, which has been a life long dream of mine ever since we stopped getting nap-time in pre-school.  Naps are just a good idea.  They know whats up in Mexico with siestas.  Naps are the secret to happiness and all of life's problems.  I am convinced.

Then I come in on Monday for my second week and my co-teacher starts telling me the owner is missing and its good for us, because she is crazy.  OK, thats fine with me.  I don't need any crazies around.  The problem is that the school needs the owner, because it needs funding.  Monday was the day that all of the teachers were supposed to be paid, the rent for the building was supposed to be paid, food for the students was supposed to be funded, and so on.  

Tuesday, my co-teacher asks me if I have signed a contract.  She tells me that there is something really wrong with the school, but that she shouldn't say anything.  I figure it’s not too bad and brush it off.  All will be fine I think. I will talk to the manager about signing the new contract on Wednesday.  My previous school hasn't canceled my work permit, so it’s fine for now. 

Wednesday, I walk in and the manager says she needs to speak to me and the other foreign teacher in the reading room.  We both sit down and wait for the manager to come sit with us.  She tells us that the owner of the school has disappeared and that they have to close down the school on Thursday.  Apparently, the owner took out too many loans from some bad people, and owed a lot of money.  So, she took the tuition from the parents, and ran.  We are not getting paid; in fact no one is, because there is no money.  The parents won't be seeing refunds.  It’s a loss for everyone. 

Tears come to my eyes.  What the hell am I supposed to do?  I think about my work visa.  They were supposed to renew it.  I loved the school too.  It is just so sad.  I wrote down my number and gave it to my Taiwanese co-teacher, who begins to cry and gives me a long hug.  "This is what I was I was talking about" she says, frowning and trying to hold back tears.  I tell her everything will be ok and to keep in touch.  I walk to the front door and on my way I see the manager breaking down into tears.  I feel so bad for them, even worse for them than I do myself.  They have been with this school and the kids for years.  It's just heart-breaking for everyone.  

I leave the school and break down and cry.  Seriously?  After all of the health problems I have been facing?  I am loosing my job?  I am so far away.  I miss my family and I miss my friends.  I start to think that maybe these are all signs.  That Taiwan is not the place for me anymore.  This day was a bad day.  It was a breaking point and test in my life.  

I was upset and I cried.  I thought of all the options.  Of leaving taipei, leaving taiwan, moving to Vietnam, moving back to the US.  I was afraid.  

What I didn't expect was to wake up the next day empowered.  I CAN DO THIS.  I love Taiwan.  I am not finished here and I will find something better.  I am healing.  I know what was physically wrong and my body will be ok.  Now, the next step: finding a job.  That will be easy.  There are so many jobs here.  I have so much more to do here, so many more sunsets to watch from my roof and flowers to paint.  I need to finish my Taiwan painting series that I have only just started.  I need to learn Mandarin.  This week has been hell, but it has also been a re-awakening.  

I am strong, I am on my own, and it feels good.  

Today, I met with a recruiter, who saw my school on the news.  She couldn't believe that had happened to me.  Apparently, this is the first time something like this has happened.  I have interviews set up for next week.  So, send some good vibes my way.

Keep on keeping on. 

Thanks for the picture Danielle!