Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mama Scoot Scoot

If you are in Taipei, you have most likely become accustomed to the many scooters gracing the streets, roads, and sidewalks in this steamy concrete jungle. 

If you are not in Taipei, let me let you in on a little known non-secret here:  scooters rule the road.  I am sure it is similar in other places around the world, but for me, this is a whole new vehicular wonder.  

Back in Texas and all over the US of A, I drove Mama Toot Toot, my loyal '97 Chevy Tahoe, everywhere.  She is quite the beast and a force to be rivaled on the road: a tank with many battle scars, that left me safe and secure.  Mama Toot Toot and I always wound up in my intended destination; be it Vegas, New Orleans, Los Angels, Tucson, Austin, Houston, or Chicago - such a reliable automobile.  

When I first arrived to Taiwan, I had a few expectations and goals in mind.  One of which, was to be the proud owner of a scooter.  I wanted to brave the pavement along with the great crotch rocket riders of Taiwanese and Asia cultures, and this last Saturday was my inaugural day.  

I went for a ride with another Western girl and a friend to Wulai, a river town 45 minutes outside of Taipei.  We were two blondes and a bikini clad brunette scooting through Taipei - quite a sight to see.

Below is video I took to show the Taipei scooter to car ratio.  

And me... before my first romp on the streets of Taipei. 


  1. Oh my, a hell's angel in Taiwan!

  2. Get it gurl! You look hawt in dat helmet mami!

  3. Hilarious that you are called a "Western Girl" over there and I am a "Gringa" down here. How are either of those names not racist? How do you think they would like to be called "Eastern" or any of the million derogatory names there are for Latinos that I will carefully not mention.
